Engaging solutions for complex challenges.
From Website to WebMIGHT (eBook + Infographic)
Quimby Melton on 17 Mar, 2016 - 0 comments
Your guide to building a data-driven content engine, lead funnel & next-gen online presence.
3 for 3: Advice for the 21st-Century Business (Infographic)
Cynthia Wilson on 20 Jan, 2016 - 0 comments
Thanks to 21st-century gadgets and tools, teams no longer always reside in the same four walls. Some may argue all this technology is a distraction, but it has the ability to break down geographical barriers, increase productivity, and deepen relationships. As a result, the new office can be anywhere.
Decrease Shopping Cart Abandonment Rates, Reduce Form Fatigue & Increase Conversions with Visitor Data
Quimby Melton on 22 Jul, 2015 - 0 comments
This week, we developed an experimental, proof-of-concept solution that attempts to increase personalization, decrease shopping cart abandonment rates, reduce form fatigue, and increase conversions.
Next-Gen Website Anatomy (Infographic)
Quimby Melton on 20 Jul, 2015 - 0 comments
Next-gen website anatomy is dynamic, lean, and tailored to support different conclusions and objectives drawn from marketing data. As website structure tool and website structure template, our infographic is important for anyone interested in website structure, site architecture, and dynamic website content.
Five Things You’re Doing to Stifle Sales Leads
Whitney Allison on 06 Jul, 2015 - 0 comments
Altering your business website so it offers targeted information to ideal visitor types will help you convert more prospects into leads.