A “Hypermedia” Restaurant?


Strange and unexpected paths this “hypermedia” reformation is taking …

Check out uWink, Inc.: a hypermedia restaurant in Woodland Hills, Ca. According to psfk, they’ll be opening more restaurants throughout L.A. county “soon.”

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Quimby Melton


Quimby is the founder and president of Studio Hyperset. He started Studio Hyperset in 2006 after studying Transatlantic literature and culture, new media, and humanities computing at the Universities of Georgia (AB, 00) and Nevada, Las Vegas (MA, 03; PhD, 08). He has a background in literary studies, media production, front-end development, and project management. His current primary duties involve helping clients frame solutions that meet their needs; scoping and managing Studio Hyperset's growth strategy and business development pipeline; finding and developing talent; and, most importantly, supporting the SH team.