Marketing Agencies: Friends or Foes?


Today’s marketing world is complex. Marketing techniques change as rapidly as the technologies they rely upon. This presents a real challenge for an internal marketing department to stay relevant.

In the not-too-distant past, one could have a solid marketing campaign supported by print ads, radio ads, billboards, and promotional mail. In today’s multimedia world, an effective team must produce cinema-quality videos, develop interactive apps, optimize social media outlets, constantly refresh the company website, and distribute engaging marketing content — in short, run a complex, web-based campaign that targets the ideal audience. That’s enough to make your head spin! It’s a daunting responsibility for an internal team that might not have the background nor expertise needed to wield the latest and greatest marketing tools in today’s fiercely-competitive environment.

Marketing agencies can be very intimidating — some are aggressive, some are expensive, and some do not understand the heart of your business.

Mack Fogelson, Founder and CEO of agency Mack Web, assures, “If you find the right agency, they can provide an outside perspective that helps you spot gaps, opportunities, and understand how to work with your team to turn them to your company’s advantage.”

A good agency partnership will support your company’s vision while lending the technical skills needed to create enticing marketing content. In a sense, this collaboration allows you to be the conductor of the marketing agency and your internal team’s orchestra, delighting your audience and reflecting your company’s voice. Imagine using eBooks, infographics, TV-style episodic storytelling, long-form essays, and even documentaries and films as part of your “toolkit” to increase awareness.

A marketing agency can also save you money and make your company significantly more efficient.

Dan Tyre is the Director of the inbound marketing and sales software company HubSpot. He notes, “A quality agency with a full retainer could be as inexpensive as $5,000 -$10,000 per month, which is about equal to one full-time equivalent [employee]. Plus, as an outside resource, an agency is on the hook for performance. As a rule, I tell HubSpot customers that have limited smarketing resources…‘even if you buy from HubSpot direct, you should still establish a relationship with a HubSpot-approved agency because it will accelerate your results, you will reduce the learning curve, and you may want to take a vacation sometime’.”

The right agency will streamline your workflow, track results, and allow your company to focus on growth and development.

With the expansive range of marketing that today’s environment requires, connecting with a marketing agency can lead to better results at, what is ultimately, a cost savings. Keeping that in mind, it is essential to take the time to research and team with an agency that will build a strong, positive relationship with your company. They will be an extension of your company’s vision and voice, and will provide the expertise to produce unique and complex marketing content. Once that marketing agency alliance is solidified, dream big.

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Whitney Allison

Marketing Director

Whitney served as SH's marketing director from 2014-16. She studied Marketing with a minor in Management Information Systems at the University of Texas at Austin. She is also the co-founder of Peritus Coffee: a craft coffee roaster in Fort Collins, CO.