From Website to WebMIGHT (eBook + Infographic)

Your guide to building a data-driven content engine, lead funnel & next-gen online presence.

We’ve been building websites for over two decades now. This is a substantial span of time, but the sites we’ve built since the early 90’s are remarkably consistent.

CMS’s, HTML5, and advanced JavaScript libraries have all augmented the functionality of sites, but the basic structure and content components of a typical website have remained essentially unchanged for twenty years.

This eBook and infographic propose a new website anatomy that’s dynamic, lean, and tailored (as needed, in real-time) to support different conclusions and objectives drawn from marketing data.

We hope they help enhance the impact of your own online marketing efforts.

Next-gen website anatomy is data-driven and dynamic rather than one-size-fits-all and static. It can change, grow, and contract as needed, in real time, based on market research.


These resources will help you:
discover ideal content ratios
avoid common website anatomy traps
use video to your advantage
increase lead generation
enhance audience connections

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