Case Study: Communicate Effectively, Retain Clients, and Increase Revenue

This case study outlines the ways Studio Hyperset helped an energy industry client design, build, and market an iOS enterprise application; a SaaS company build an API-driven static website; and an entertainment-industry client build a virtual operations system. A version also appears on the Lucidchart blog.


Studio Hyperset helps clients create engaging solutions for complex challenges associated with project management, marketing and media, and technology. We have a global, cross-cultural team and a diverse client base spread across a number of industries including:

SH is also a virtual firm, which means our day-to-day operations are organized around a series of online workflows. As a result, most of our team and clients have never been in the same physical space at the same time.

Like many professional service firms, our most important capital assets are the synergies, collective intelligence, and potential productivity of our team and the relationships we have with our clients. Our success depends on keeping these resources vibrant and healthy.

The diversity of our service offerings and professional network, the virtual nature of our operations workflows, and the degree to which our revenue depends on vigorous interpersonal connections means SH has a constant need to:

Breakdowns in communication, clarity, and collaboration create substantial bottlenecks and mission failures. Extreme cases have the potential to bruise our brand, erode our primary capital assets, and create business development challenges, revenue interruptions, and even existential risks.


At a high level, effective team, client, and project management is like writing a play in real time. These social arrangements have casts of characters, and well-managed dialogue determines the nature of the relationships. The best conversations always create the best relationships.

As we outline in our project management eBook, Lucidchart is a vital component of our operations stack.

It helps us communicate effectively, scope thoroughly, and thereby:

As is often the case when communicating virtually and across cultures, visual forms of communication tend to work better than text. This is especially true when attempting to build, develop, review, or approve complex models that link technology components, responsible parties, and system architectures. Using Lucidchart, we’re able to quickly and easily create visual representations of workflows, stacks, and other critical solutions. When SH circulates these resources among teammates and clients, we find they’re easily understood by everyone involved, regardless of an individual’s cultural or linguistic background or technology knowledge.

Here are three specific solutions we created using Lucidchart.

1. Energy Industry Enterprise Application

We’re currently developing, supporting, and marketing an iOS enterprise application for a client in the energy industry. Lucidchart helped us outline important system components, and we used the flowchart below to:

Perhaps more than any other project we’ve undertaken, this experience illustrated how effectively Lucidchart helps teams like ours communicate complex system components to technology laypeople.

2. Static Marketing Website

Security and speed considerations have led some of our clients to trade traditional CMS LAMP stacks for API-driven static websites. Earlier this year, one of our SaaS clients expressed an interest in building such a site and having us develop it long-term.

Like many firms (and a large number of content creators), SH builds and manages a substantial number of WordPress sites and plugins. In addition to solving problems, we also feel WP plugins can serve as powerful marketing tools. (See, for example, the “Automated Form Monitor” we built for our friends on the Infer predictive sales and marketing platform team.)

As a result of our past WP/LAMP experience, building this sort of site represented a new challenge for our development team, and we needed to ensure (a) everyone involved knew what we were trying to build and (b) that the final site would match the client’s short- and long-term goals.

Lucidchart helped our development team draft the stack with the client, and the flowchart below represents the endpoint of a diverse discussion that successfully blended:

Rather than stumbling our way toward the correct solution through trial-and-error — which would risk all sorts of conversation tangles, client annoyances, and team frustrations — we were instead able to spend a week drafting the ideal stack using the abstract model below. Once this process wrapped, the SH team was able to begin development immediately, confident in the knowledge that our efforts would be entirely constructive, purpose-driven, and on point.

3. Production Company Operations Model

Earlier this year, we helped one of our entertainment-industry clients build a virtual operations system modeled on the one we outline in “Light the Way,” our project management eBook. Like the energy-industry client referenced above, this team had some technology knowledge gaps so it was very important that we build easy-to-understand visual models that would allow even technology novices to understand:

Lucidchart helped us build several workflow resources and visual models, including the flowchart below. This particular resource illustrates the ways in which the client’s sales activities feed their CRM, how they manage team-focused pre-conversion workflows, and how the sales and marketing team transfers converted projects to production for fulfillment.

This project helped us strengthen an important client relationship and represented a mission-focused opportunity. We inherited a good bit of confusion, chaos, and (frankly) unhappiness from the client. Lucidchart helped us untangle these issues and transform chaos into order. As a direct result of the models Lucidchart helped us build, the client now experiences daily efficiency (and happiness) gains.


About Lucidchart

Lucid Software is a leading provider of cloud-based visual productivity applications. Lucidchart, a diagramming application, and Lucidpress, a design solution, are utilized in over 175 countries by more than 8 million users, including Comcast, NASA, Netflix, Target and Xerox. Learn more at and connect with them on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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